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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Dress Over Denim

Still a little bit chilly to go bare-legged so matching your spring dress with a pair of jeans is the perfect solution. This week is full of work and I still have things left to move as well as fixing the old flat and organizing the new. Uff I really don't like to move, it's definitely very stressful and a lot of things to think about. But I really look forward to get our new flat in order and to decorate it :)

I apologize for the pictures but I haven't had time so the Iphone will have to do ;)

Happy Midweek!

Zara Leather jacket (similar here & here) + Dress (similar here & here) + Jeans (similar here & here) // Vagabond Ankle Boots (similar here & here) // 3.1 Philip Lim Pashli Bag (here & here) // Vintage Belt

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